Opening Day at Allaire! Celebrating the Museum’s 60th Year of Operation!
April 7, 2018, 11 am to 4 pm
As New Jersey’s premiere outdoor living history museum, come and celebrate Allaire’s history with special house tours, craft demonstrations (Carpentry, Tinsmith, Blacksmith, Hearth-Cooking, Fibre Arts), children’s games, story-tellling, historic quilt “airing,” and more! With winter behind and signs of spring, the village comes to life this day to kickoff the 2018 season. Over 12 of our unique craft guilds will be demonstrating their 19th century craft! Guided tours of the historic village, including two of our newly developed interpretive sites for 2018! A special history and science scavenger hunt for children and adults. Music in the village, hands-on activities, and interactive programs to experience life in this early 19th century industrial village. Special “food and baking program” at the Allaire Bakery, the first building to open at the Historic Village at Allaire in 1957; grand re-opening with specialty cookies and baked goods! Photo exhibition in the Enameling Building! Learn about what Allaire has to offer via group tours, facility rentals (the Chapel), benefits of museum membership, special events, volunteer/intern opportunities, sponsorships, and much more! An “Opening Day” and “Open House” to kick off a thrilling year at the Historic Village at Allaire!
Food service onsite!
General Village/Event Admission: $5 per adult, $3 children 6-12 yrs., under 5 FREE.
Grand Re-Opening of our Retail Shops for 2018! New stock, new merchandise displays and renewed interiors! General Store, open 10 am to 4:30 pm; Enameling Building & Museum Gift Shop, open 10 am to 4 pm; Bakery, open 10 am to 4:30 pm.
Pair up a “day at the village” via Opening Day at Allaire, with dinner in nearby Farmingdale or Manasquan, and then an evening of “Spring Lantern Tours!”